I was playing the game ‘Accurate Battle Simulator’ and thought of the idea of making prehistoric tools from the game. Once I got the inspiration for making the tools, I went to work. The first tool I made was a stone hatchet. I made it by combining a perfect stick with the perfect rock. I tried it out on a fish, with incredible results. I hope people don’t think I’m strange. If they do, well good. The next tool I made was a club. The club was a little harder to make because we had to find the perfect club board. I found the club board in the woods. I then attached the perfect tree stub to the board and put rope around the stub to create a handle. Lastly, I decided to make a shield. I cut the perfect board up into the shape of a shield, then, we spray painted a design on it. You can actually hold it like a shield because I added robe to the back.

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