Today I went to three different museum’s with my Dad in the Sacramento area. The first one we visited was The California State Railroad Museum which was full of different trains, pickaxe’s and several different things related to mining. The second museum we went to next door was The Sacramento History Museum, which did not have a ton of different things outside of items related to gold mining. The final museum we stopped at was The California State Indian Museum, which even though it was the smallest amongst them all I found it the most interesting. The Native American museum had several different types of weapons, tools and baskets. We also were able to buy a large arrowhead and rabbit hide on the way out of the Native American museum. My favorite part of the day was everything!!

2 thoughts on “A Day At The Museum”

  1. Your trip to the Museum sounds very interesting and educational.
    The Native American artefacts you purchased look awesome!
    Can’t wait to see them in person! 🙂
    Grandpa and Grandma Illes

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